Eastern Xeriscape Mix
When most people think about flowerbeds they picture a person walking out with a little watering can and gently pouring water over beautiful and vibrant flowers. However, other types of gardening techniques are practiced across the US and around the world. One method that has become popular over the last few decades is xeriscaping. Xeriscaping is gardening that reduces or eliminates the need for water by planting drought resistant plant species. This practice is becoming more and more important as many cities and states are showing sensitivity to water consumption.

Western Xeriscape Mix
Here at Applewood Seed Company we have made an effort to help customers who are looking to plant xeriscape flowers by creating two regional xeriscape mixes: The Eastern Xeriscape Mix and the Western Xeriscape Mix. The western boundary for use of these mixes would be a line straight south from the eastern borders of North and South Dakota. Both mixes are composed of native plants that bloom in an array of colors. Although the establishment phase of these seed mixtures will require consistent moisture to be successful, once established, these plants will survive through harsh and dry conditions.
If you have a question about xeriscaping or what type of plants can handle dry conditions, feel free to call and ask a member of our experienced sales staff. We look forward to working with our customers to help keep the earth covered with wildflowers, from the forests of New England to the rainforests of the Pacific Northwest.
-written by Evan Mawe, Seed Sales Specialist