Oregano is a hardy perennial that is native to Europe and Asia. It can form a spreading mat in the garden. The light pink flowers attract honey bees and many types of wild bees. Prefers full sun ...
Wild Petunia has a relaxed, sprawling habit and violet flowers. It blooms all summer and is wonderful for hanging baskets and large containers. It also makes a good ground cover. Prefers full sun ...
This mat-forming perennial grows 4 to 10 inches tall and has white, 4-petaled flowers. It is native to the mountains of Europe. Rockcress is a spring bloomer that makes an excellent ground ...
Roman Chamomile, formerly under Anthemis nobilis, is a creeping perennial from Europe with finely divided foliage and small, white, daisy-like flowers. It is ideal for use in flowering lawn ...
Snow-in-Summer is a mat-forming perennial from the Crimea. Plants have grey-green foliage and produce white flowers in spring and early summer. Makes a good ground cover and is perfect for the ...
Soapwort is a spreading perennial is native to Europe and grows 6-14 inches tall. It blooms in late spring, producing many small, pink flowers that cover the bushy mounds. It can be used as a ...
Strawberry Clover is a perennial legume that grows to 14 inches tall and produces pink to purplish red flowers. Plants produce creeping stems and can spread. When the seed is ripe, the flower ...
Dwarf Sweet Alyssum ‘Carpet of Snow’ is a compact variety that produces masses of white, fragrant flowers on plants that grow to only 4 to 6 inches tall. Plants are great for borders ...
Dwarf Sweet Alyssum ‘Royal Carpet’ is an heirloom variety that was an AAS winner in 1953. ‘Royal Carpet’ has purple flowers and is very dwarf, growing to only 2-4 inches ...
Dwarf Pink Sweet Alyssum is a favorite of gardeners, prized for its masses of fragrant flowers and used as an edging plant or addition to the border. Plants bloom quickly from seed. Plants ...
Tall White Sweet Alyssum flowers are sweetly fragrant and excellent for attracting beneficial insects. Plants are highly adaptable and bloom all year round in warm climates. They bloom quickly ...
Verbena Ideal Florist Mix is a beautiful, spreading Verbena that comes in a mixture of burgundy, peach, pink, purple, red, and white. It is suitable for hanging baskets and containers, and it makes...
Wild Thyme is a fragrant, spreading perennial that is native to northwest Europe. Plants form dense mats that create an excellent ground-cover. Plants are 6-12 inches tall, and the lavender flowers...
Red Yarrow has finely divided, fern-like leaves and a pungent scent. Flowers are dark pink to deep carmine and occur in flat-topped flower clusters. Attracts beneficial insects. This species has ...
White Yarrow as finely divided, fern-like leaves and a pungent scent. Flowers are white and occur in flat-topped flower clusters. This species has rhizomes and can spread aggressively in home ...