Wild Petunia has a relaxed, sprawling habit and violet flowers. It blooms all summer and is wonderful for hanging baskets and large containers. It also makes a good ground cover. Prefers full sun and moderate moisture.
Petunia violacea
Full Sun
Golden Alexander is a perennial that is native to the eastern and Midwestern U.S. and can be found in moist woods, prairies and meadows. It resembles Queen Anne’s Lace but has yellow flowers....
Cape Forget-Me-Not is a biennial that is native to South Africa. Our version is more dwarf than most, growing just 12-18 inches tall. It blooms the first year, and it’s true blue flowers are ...
Eastern columbine, also referred to as Red columbine, is native from Nova Scotia to Florida and westward to Minnesota and Tennessee. It will generally be found in clearings, wood borders, ...
Gold Yarrow is a perennial that is native to Asia and grows 36-60 inches tall. The golden yellow flowers occur in flat-topped clusters that are up to 5 inches across and can be used for cutting ...