New Natives for 2016


Desert Penstemon (Penstemon pseudospectabilis) is a perennial that is native to southern California,  Arizona and western New Mexico.  The rose colored flowers last for many weeks and are spectacular when planted in large groups.  Desert Penstemon is perfect for the western Xeriscape garden and pollinator plantings.   The flowers are attractive to hummingbirds, honey bees and […]

Fall Blooming Perennials


Although the name New England Aster seems to imply that this plant is only native to the northeast, this fall-blooming perennial is actually native to most of the United States and much of Canada. It prefers full sun and moist soils. This is one of the showiest asters, blooming from late August into October and attaining a […]

Million Pollinator Garden Challenge


Last week the National Pollinator Garden Network launched the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge to get the public involved in the creation of pollinator friendly gardens. The Million Pollinator Garden Challenge is being launched by The National Pollinator Garden Network, an unprecedented collaboration of national, regional, conservation and gardening groups to support the President’s Executive Strategy to “Promote the […]

Earth Day 2015


In many parts of the Northern Hemisphere right now The 2015 theme for Earth Day is “It’s Our Turn to Lead.”  People all over the world engage in activities like recycling, cleaning up parks, or planting trees. How can you lead by planting wildflowers? Wildflower plantings are able to survive and even thrive with less […]

Help Save the Monarch Butterfly!


The beautiful orange and black Monarch butterfly is one of the best known threatened butterfly species in North America. According to some of the latest surveys over 90% of the population has disappeared in the last decade mostly due to loss of habitat. Sprawling urban developments and intensive farming techniques mean fewer uncultivated margins where […]

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