Golden yellow flowers characterize this Poppy cultivar. It is a short-lived perennial in USDA zones 8-10 and grown as an annual in colder climates. Plants grow 12-18 inches tall and have ...
As the name indicates, this poppy cultivar has white to pale cream flowers. It is a short-lived perennial in zones 8-10 and is grown as an annual in colder climates. Plants grow 12-18 inches tall ...
‘Mikado’ has deep orange flowers with red streaks. Typically considered a hardy annual, this is also a short-lived perennial in USDA zones 8-10. Plants grow 12-18 inches tall with ...
This unique California Poppy has bright red flowers with blue-green, finely divided foliage. Typically considered a hardy annual, this is also a short-lived perennial in USDA zones 8-10. Plants are...
This California native annual has bright yellow flowers and grows in dry flats, brushy slopes, grasslands and chaparral. It grows best in full sun with dry soils. Height is from 5 to 10 inches. ...
Applewood Seed has created a colorful blend of all of the favorite varieties of California Poppy. Colors include carmine, yellow, orange, red, purple, and white. Honey bees and wild bees are often ...
“Mission Bells’ is a semi-double mixture of California Poppy. The mixture includes shades of apricot, orange, pink, red, white and yellow. It is a tender perennial in USDA zones 8-10 ...
Canadian Milkvetch is a legume that is native to Canada and most of the United States. The greenish, cream colored flowers appear in mid to late summer. Canadian Milkvetch is excellent for ...
Catchfly is a slender annual from Europe. It grows to 22 inches tall and produces pink flowers with 5 notched petals. It works well in wildflower mixtures, the cutting garden and the pollinator ...
Catnip is a member of the mint family and is a hardy perennial that has a distinctive fragrance that is intensely attractive to most cats. It is native to Europe, the Middle East and Asia. The ...
China Aster ‘Crego Mix’ has ostrich plume type petals which gives it a shaggy appearance. Flowers come in shades of purple, deep rose, pink, violet, and white. It blooms from mid-summer...
China Aster ‘Powder Puff Mix’ has fully double flowers in shades of purple, deep rose, pink, violet, and white. It blooms from mid-summer through early fall and provides much needed ...
Single Mix China Aster has single flowers in shades of purple, deep rose, pink, violet and white. It blooms from mid-summer through early fall and provides much needed color after many annuals ...
This long-lasting, perennial herb grows to 18 inches tall and has cylindrical, hollow leaves. It is a member of the onion family and produces lavender, pom-pom shaped flowers in early summer. The ...
Chocolate Flower is a long-blooming, perennial wildflower that is native to the southwestern U.S. The flowers exude a rich, chocolate scent in the morning. Plants are drought-tolerant and prefer ...