The Key Lime Pie Zinnia Mix is composed of our ‘Envy’ and ‘Polar Bear’ Zinnia varieties, creating a frothy white and lime green color combination.
The Lemon Meringue Zinnia Mix is composed of our ‘Polar Bear’, ‘Canary Bird’, and ‘Envy’ Zinnia varieties, creating a frothy white, lemon yellow and lime green ...
The Detention Basin Mix is composed of tenacious wildflowers, grasses, sedges and rushes that can tolerate areas that are flooded periodically by water.
This compact and low-growing Dianthus variety has very large, single flowers with serrated petals. Colors include crimson, rose, red, white and bicolors. Flowers have a clove-jasmine scent and ...
Blooming spring to summer, this hybrid is topped by bi or tricolored pink, purple, rose and white single blooms fringed at the tips. Best grown in well-drained soils and excellent for borders, rock...
This beautiful Dianthus is an antique variety that has been rescued from oblivion. Plants are loaded with deeply fringed flowers that exude a perfume-like fragrance reminiscent of carnation, ...
Dill is an annual that has been used as a medicinal and culinary herb for millennia. Both seeds and leaves are utilized and have a soft, sweet flavor. Leaves are finely divided and feathery ...
Sand Dropseed is a warm-season bunchgrass that is native throughout most of North America. It gets its name from the way it drops or ejects its seeds when the seed panicles dry out. Some birds and ...
The Dry Seed Mixture contains annuals and perennials and is suitable for residential and commercial landscaping. It was formulated for areas that receive 10 to 30 inches of precipitation ...
Dwarf Helenium is a native from the southeastern and midwestern U.S. It is a long-blooming annual that grows up to 12 inches high. It requires no dead-heading, making it an ideal bedding plant...
The Eastern Pollinator Mixture is for pollinator conservation in the eastern United States and southeast Canada. The western planting boundary would be a line straight south from the eastern ...
The Eastern US Solar Farm Pollinator Mix grows to just three feet tall and contains a diverse blend of 100% wildflowers (no grasses) for pollinator conservation in the eastern United States and ...
The Easy Care Children’s Garden Seed Mixture is a low maintenance blend of easy to grow, annual garden flowers. It is especially well-suited for children’s gardens.
The EcoEase Flowering Alternative Lawn Mix was developed for use as a flowering lawn or low-growing ground cover. It is an attractive mixture of fine fescues, flowers and clovers and provides a ...
The EcoEase Microclover and Fescue Lawn Mix is a low-maintenance lawn option comprised of three fescues and microclover. It forms a dense groundcover that is tolerant of foot traffic and requires ...