Borage is an annual that is native to Europe and the Middle East. Plants are large and sprawling, and the leaves are covered with bristly hairs. The blue, star-shaped flowers hang downward and are ...
Catnip is a member of the mint family and is a hardy perennial that has a distinctive fragrance that is intensely attractive to most cats. It is native to Europe, the Middle East and Asia. The ...
This long-lasting, perennial herb grows to 18 inches tall and has cylindrical, hollow leaves. It is a member of the onion family and produces lavender, pom-pom shaped flowers in early summer. The ...
This annual herb is a member of the carrot family and has two different uses as a culinary herb. The young leaves are used as cilantro while the dried seeds are known as coriander. Plants bolt ...
Dill is an annual that has been used as a medicinal and culinary herb for millennia. Both seeds and leaves are utilized and have a soft, sweet flavor. Leaves are finely divided and feathery ...
This perennial herb is a member of the carrot family and originally comes from the Mediterranean. Plants are hardy to USDA zone 6 – grow as an annual in colder climates. Fennel has an ...
Holy Basil, or Tulsi, is native to southern Asia where it is known as “The Queen of Herbs”. Holy Basil is an Ayurvedic herb with a long history of medicinal, culinary, and sacred uses. ...
True Lavender is in the mint family and is native to the Mediterranean. Plants grow 20-30 inches tall and produce purple flower clusters in mid-summer, which attract honey bees and bumble bees. ...
Lemon Balm is a member of the mint family and is native to southern Europe, central Asia and the Mediterranean basin. It has a lemony scent and flavor, and the small white flowers attract honey ...
Lemon Basil is a tender annual and is shorter and has smaller leaves than regular Basil. It prefers sunny locations and rich soil. Appreciates afternoon shade in hot, southern climates. Can be ...
Foliage of this annual mint has a pungent, lemony scent. Flowers come in dense clusters of lavender-pink to white. A southern U.S. native, plants are found on limestone, rocky or sandy prairies and...
Oregano is a hardy perennial that is native to Europe and Asia. It can form a spreading mat in the garden. The light pink flowers attract honey bees and many types of wild bees. Prefers full sun ...
Curled Parsley is a biennial that is grown as an annual. Plants grow to 15 inches tall and prefer sunny locations but can tolerate light shade. Can be grown in containers indoors as well as ...
Italian Parsley is a biennial that is grown as an annual. Plants grow to 15 inches tall and prefer sunny locations but can tolerate light shade. Leaves are flat, and plants can be confused with ...
Sage is a hardy, long-lived perennial that is native to Spain and the Mediterranean region. Plants grow to 30 inches tall and develop woody stems when they mature. It prefers sunny locations in ...