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6 search results for: joe pyeweed


Joe Pyeweed, Sweet

Sweet Joe Pyeweed is a perennial from the Midwest and eastern U.S. that grows up to seven feet tall. The fluffy, pinkish-purple flower clusters appear from late summer to early fall and have a delightful vanilla-like scent. Habitats include open woods, thickets, woodland borders, and partially shaded streambanks with moist to mesic soils. This species tolerates more shade than other species of Joe Pyeweeds and is ideal in areas with partial shade or dappled sunlight. The flowers are a favorite nectar source for monarchs, swallowtails and many other butterfly species. Nectar also attracts bumblebees, long-horned bees, and leaf-cutting bees.  Recommended for pollinator conservation and shaded rain gardens and bioswales.


Joe Pyeweed, Spotted

This North American native grows in sand prairies, sedge meadows, marshes, fens, and swampy thickets of the northeast and upper Midwest. It prefers full to part sun, moist conditions and rich, humusy calcareous soils. It grows 4-6 feet tall and produces fluffy, pink clusters of flowers in mid to late summer that attract butterflies, honey bees and wild bees. Recommended for home gardens, meadow gardens, and pollinator conservation. Also an excellent addition to rain gardens and bioswales.


See Our New 2021 Flower Seed Additions!

Say hello to our 2021 new flower seed additions! We are introducing 4 new wildflower varieties include American Basketflower, Sweet Joe Pyeweed, Wingstem, and False Aster plus entirely new mixes designed for flower plantings under and around solar panels on solar farms. The American Basketflower is named after the basket weave-like pattern of the flower […]


September is National Honey Month!

The beekeeping season is winding down, and many beekeepers are busy with their honey business making September the official National Honey Month.  Generally, honey is ready to harvest in late summer when a colony has built up surplus honey.  The honey is cured and capped in the honeycomb cells. A single bee can visit up […]


Host Plants for Butterfly Gardens

Everyone loves butterflies for their wonderful array of colors and patterns as well as their graceful movements. Images of butterflies have been popular for jewelry, decoration and crafts for centuries. Butterflies undergo an amazing metamorphosis from egg, to caterpillar to beautiful, winged adult. It is possible to plant flowers in a home garden to attract […]

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