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7 search results for: Prairie Clover


Prairie Clover, Purple

Purple Prairie Clover is a native perennial that is found throughout the high plains and central U.S. Flowers bloom from the bottom to the top of the flower cluster. Excellent for wildlife and pollinator plantings. Flowers attract honey bees, bumble bees and other pollinators. Fulfills legume requirement for NRCS-CRP pollinator practices.


Prairie Clover, White

White Prairie Clover is a native perennial which can be found throughout the high plains and central U.S. Flowers bloom from the bottom to the top of the flower cluster. Excellent for wildlife and pollinator plantings. Flowers attract honey bees, bumble bees and other pollinators. Fulfills legume requirement for NRCS-CRP pollinator practices.


Flowers for Honey Bees and Wild Bees in the Prairie Pothole Region

The following factsheet is a result of work done by Clint Otto and colleagues at the USGS-Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center in Jamestown, North Dakota. Clint’s team developed the factsheet in part with information gathered through the Bee Integrated project that is coordinated by the Honey Bee Health Coalition. It highlights forbs that are preferred […]


Biodiversity Series on Natives Bees | Native Bee Group: Bumblebees

This blog marks the beginning of our series on biodiversity. Biodiversity refers to all of the living organisms on earth, which include plants, animals, bacteria and fungi.  Many species are being threatened with extinction due to the activities of humans.  Pollution, habitat loss, climate change, and population growth have put many species at risk of […]


September is National Honey Month!

The beekeeping season is winding down, and many beekeepers are busy with their honey business making September the official National Honey Month.  Generally, honey is ready to harvest in late summer when a colony has built up surplus honey.  The honey is cured and capped in the honeycomb cells. A single bee can visit up […]


Host Plants for Butterfly Gardens

Everyone loves butterflies for their wonderful array of colors and patterns as well as their graceful movements. Images of butterflies have been popular for jewelry, decoration and crafts for centuries. Butterflies undergo an amazing metamorphosis from egg, to caterpillar to beautiful, winged adult. It is possible to plant flowers in a home garden to attract […]


3 Ways to Feed Honey Bees and Help Keep Them Healthy

Applewood Seed Company, located in Arvada, Colorado, was established in 1965 and specializes in small to large-scale production of open-pollinated flower seeds. We pride ourselves in our commitment to supplying high quality seed by maintaining diligent standards in field production methods, seed testing, and our research trials. Our research includes flower types and mixes specifically […]

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