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10 search results for: Corn Poppy


Corn Poppy, Red

Red Corn Poppy is a slender annual that is native to Europe where it can be found in cultivated fields, meadows and roadsides. The flowers have crepe paper-like petals and are bright red. Corn Poppies are a popular component of flower mixes. Breathtaking planted in masses – sow seed directly in the garden as plants resent being transplanted. Useful for wildflower and pollinator seed mixtures as well as the cottage garden. Honey bees and wild bees like to collect pollen from the flowers.


Corn Poppy, Shirley Single Mix

Shirley Single Mix Corn Poppy is a slender annual that is native to Europe where it can be found in cultivated fields, meadows and roadsides. The flowers have crepe paper-like petals and come in shades of red, pink, white and bi-colored. Corn poppies are a popular component of flower mixes. Breathtaking planted in masses – sow seed directly in the garden as plants resent being transplanted. Useful for wildflower and pollinator seed mixtures, as well as the cottage garden. Honey bees and wild bees are often seen collecting pollen from the flowers.


Biodiversity Series on Natives Bees | Native Bee Group: Solitary Bees

Welcome to part two of Applewood Seed Company’s in-depth look at our native bees. Today we’ll be focusing on bees that live more solitary lives than their bumblebee cousins. Click here to read about the social lives of native bumblebees in the first part of the biodiversity series. The European honeybee, which is a non-native […]


September is National Honey Month!

The beekeeping season is winding down, and many beekeepers are busy with their honey business making September the official National Honey Month.  Generally, honey is ready to harvest in late summer when a colony has built up surplus honey.  The honey is cured and capped in the honeycomb cells. A single bee can visit up […]


3 Ways to Feed Honey Bees and Help Keep Them Healthy

Applewood Seed Company, located in Arvada, Colorado, was established in 1965 and specializes in small to large-scale production of open-pollinated flower seeds. We pride ourselves in our commitment to supplying high quality seed by maintaining diligent standards in field production methods, seed testing, and our research trials. Our research includes flower types and mixes specifically […]


How to Create an Effective Pollinator Seed Mix

Academic research has shown that diverse flower seed mixes provide the most benefits to bees and pollinators compared to mixes with just one to several flower species. It is important to choose flower species that are known to be attractive to pollinators which will greatly enhance the efficiency of these mixes.  Flower mixes should contain early, […]


Flower Seed For Spring Color

By early spring, most gardeners look forward to seeing color in their gardens again.   You can plan ahead for next year by sowing spring blooming plants this year.  Here are some of the best spring-blooming perennials and re-seeding annuals.  The following plants do well in most parts of the United States.

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