Dahlberg Daisy is native to Texas. It is an annual with lemon scented foliage which produces dainty, yellow flowers. The leaves are very fine and thread-like. Excellent for the fragrant garden, border edges, and pollinator plantings.
Thymophylla tenuiloba
Full Sun
Dry, Moderate
Fall Blooming Flowers, Summer
This perennial is native to north central North America and is commonly found in dry open woodlands and prairies. Another name is Anise Hyssop because of its delightful fragrance – a mixture ...
Switchgrass ‘Kanlow’ is a rhizomatous, warm-season bunchgrass that is native throughout most of the U.S. It is a major component of the Tallgrass Prairie ecosystem. Kanlow originates ...
Also known as Turkeyfoot, Big Bluestem is a warm-season bunchgrass that grows to seven feet tall. The seedhead divides into narrow branches that resembles a turkey’s foot. This long-lived ...
Leadplant is popular for reclamation and wildlife plantings. It is a shrub-like plant with silvery hairs and purple flower spikes at the ends of the branches. It is a nitrogen fixer that can thrive...