Little Bluestem is a warm-season bunchgrass that is native to most of North America. It is a dominant grass of the Tallgrass Prairie region. Tolerates a wide range of soil conditions and is used as...
Common Milkweed has pink flowers and grows to four feet tall. It is native to the Midwest and eastern U.S. It prefers full sun and loamy, mesic soil, but it can tolerate a wide variety of ...
Palmer Penstemon grows to 4 feet tall and produces pale pink flowers in early summer. It is native to the southwestern U.S. and can be found along roadsides and open areas. Flowers are scented and ...
Rocky Mountain Beeplant is native from the Great Plains to California and eastern Washington. Flowers occur in shades of pink or lavender and sometimes white. It is an excellent nectar plant for ...
Sideoats Grama is a warm-season bunchgrass that is native throughout much of North America. The ornamental and distinctive seed spikes hang from only one side of the stalk, and these make good ...
This mixture of warm and cool-season grasses grows to a height of 24 to 48 inches. Contains Little Bluestem, Virginia Wildrye, Purpletop and Broomsedge. Can be combined with flower seeds to create...
This mixture of warm and cool-season grasses grows to a height of 12 to 36 inches. Contains Blue Grama, Sideoats Grama, Buffalo Grass, Little Bluestem, Prairie Junegrass and Sand Dropseed. Can be ...
Maximilian Sunflower is a tall (3-8 feet) perennial sunflower with yellow flowers up to 3 inches across. Found from southern Canada south to North Carolina, Kentucky and Texas, this ...
Ox-Eye Sunflower, also known as False Sunflower, is native to the central and northeastern U.S. and is found in moist to dry, open woodlands, prairies and fields. It is highly adaptable and easy to...
Prairie Sunflower is an annual that is native to the Great Plains, from Montana and North Dakota, and south to New Mexico and Texas. It is typically found in open, sandy areas, roadsides and other ...
Tickseed Sunflower is an annual wildflower that also goes by the name of Swamp Marigold because of its preference for moister environments such as wet meadows. It is native to the eastern half of ...
Wild Sunflower is found throughout the U.S., Canada and northern Mexico. It can be found along roadsides, in waste places and other open sites. Plants are highly adaptable, tolerating dry to ...
Switchgrass ‘Blackwell’ is a rhizomatous, warm-season bunchgrass that is native throughout most of the U.S. It is a major component of the Tallgrass Prairie ecosystem. Blackwell ...
Switchgrass ‘Cave In Rock’ is a rhizomatous, warm-season bunchgrass that is native throughout most of the U.S. It is a major component of the Tallgrass Prairie ecosystem. Cave-In-Rock ...
Switchgrass ‘Dacotah’ is a rhizomatous, warm-season bunchgrass that is native throughout most of the U.S. It is a major component of the Tallgrass Prairie ecosystem. Dacotah originates ...