African Marigold ‘Crackerjack’ mix is an heirloom that grows to 36 inches tall. The fluffy, carnation-like flowers come in shades of gold, orange and yellow. Recommended for beds & ...
African Marigold ‘Hawaii’ is an heirloom cultivar that has large, fluffy orange flowers and grows to 36 inches tall. The flowers are used for natural dyes in food and fabrics. ...
Annual Sweet Pea ‘Bijou Mix’ is a dwarf type with large flowers in shades of white, rose, pink, scarlet, lavender and blue. It has a long flowering period and is excellent for beds, ...
Annual Sweet Pea ‘Early Multiflora Mix’ is an early blooming mix, this variety of Sweet Pea comes in lavender, pink, purple, red, salmon and white. As with all Sweet Peas, plants do ...
Annual Sweet Pea ‘Heirloom Mix’ is a sweet pea mixture composed of old-fashioned and heirloom varieties that are still popular today. The colors include lavender, pink, purple, red, ...
Annual Sweet Pea ‘Knee High Mix’ is a semi-dwarf, bushy-flowered variety with a mix of lavender, pink, purple, red, salmon & white flowers. As with all Sweet Peas, plants do best ...
Annual Sweet Pea ‘Mammoth Mix’ does best in full sun with moderate moisture and well-drained soils. They are best in regions with cool summer temperatures as plants do not do well in ...
Annual Sweet Pea ‘Royal Family Mix’ is an annual climbing vine with large, heat resistant flowers in a mix of red, white, salmon, pink, lavender and purple. Preferring cooler ...
Balsam ‘Camellia Flowered Mix’ is an old-fashioned plant that has been grown in American gardens for over a century. It is a branching annual and grows 18 to 30 inches tall. Balsam has ...
Basket-of-Gold is an old-fashioned perennial from Europe and adds sunny color to the garden in springtime. Plants grow in low mounds of 8-12 inches tall, and flowers are bright yellow with 4 ...
Bells of Ireland is grown for its green, bell-shaped calyxes. This old-fashioned garden annual is useful as a fresh or dried flower. Flowers are fragrant, but inconspicuous and white. Plants grow ...
Black-Eyed Susan Vine is a tender perennial that is a spreading vine with decorative, triangular leaves and masses of yellow or orange flowers with a dark eye. It is native to tropical Africa. It ...
Borage is an annual that is native to Europe and the Middle East. Plants are large and sprawling, and the leaves are covered with bristly hairs. The blue, star-shaped flowers hang downward and are ...
Calendulas have been used for many centuries for culinary and medicinal purposes. Calendula ‘Ball’s Orange’ is an old-fashioned variety with large, fully double, orange flowers ...
Calendulas have been used for many centuries for culinary and medicinal purposes. Calendula, or Pot Marigold, comes from southern Europe. ‘Pacific Beauty Mix’ is a blend of yellow, ...