Native Wildflower Mixes Developed for Specific Regions of the U.S. and Canada
Our native wildflower seed mixes are composed of annual and perennial wildflowers that are native to the region, and when available, are from native wildflower seeds sourced from that region to insure maximum adaptability. Use these mixes for projects where 100 percent native species are required or preferred.
Please note for each native wildflower seed mix, the planting rate per acre is shown as a range. Use the higher planting rate for maximum color, when adequate soil preparation or weed control are not possible, or if using a hydroseeder for planting. The lower planting rate is suitable for broadcast or drill seeding methods.

- High Plains Native Seed Mix
- Intermountain Native Seed Mix
- Native Colorado Seed Mix
- Midwest Native Seed Mix (MW)
- Northeast Native Seed Mix (NE)
- Northwest Native Seed Mix (NW)
- Southeast Native Seed Mix (SE)
- Southwest Native Seed Mix (SW)
- Texas/Oklahoma Native Seed Mix (TX)
- Mountain Native Seed Mix: For elevations above 7,000 in the western, continental US and southern Alberta and British Columbia. Also suitable for all elevations in southern Alaska.