Sunflower ‘Velvet Queen’ is prized for its russet red petals and dark, purple-brown center. Velvet Queen produces flowers that are about 5 inches across on plants that grow to 5 to 8 ...
Sunflower ‘Sunspot’ is a dwarf sunflower growing 36 to 50 inches tall. It has characteristic single flowers with yellow petals and a dark center. They are great pollinator plants.
Sunflower ‘Lemon Queen’ produces flowers with light lemon-yellow petals and a brown centers. Lemon Queen is magnificent in the back of the border and makes a great cut flower. These ...
Grey Stripe Sunflower is also called Mammoth Sunflower. This sunflower can grow up to 8 feet tall. It produces the large grey striped seeds used for human and animal food. Flowers can be up to 10...
Sunflower ‘Dwarf Sungold’ is a dwarf sunflower that is also known as “Teddy Bear.” The flowers have no outer petals and are composed entirely of shaggy disk flowers that ...
Ox-Eye Sunflower, also known as False Sunflower, is native to the central and northeastern U.S. and is found in moist to dry, open woodlands, prairies and fields. It is highly adaptable and easy to...
Sunflower ‘Autumn Beauty’ is a taller, branching sunflower variety that produces flowers in an array of autumn shades: red, yellow, gold, orange, russet and burgundy. Autumn Beauty is...
Wild Sunflower is found throughout the U.S., Canada and northern Mexico. It can be found along roadsides, in waste places and other open sites. Plants are highly adaptable, tolerating dry to ...
Arrowleaf Balsamroot is a long-lived, tap-rooted perennial with arrowhead-shaped leaves and yellow sunflower like flowers. It is native to mountains of the western U.S. and can be abundant in open ...