Golden Aster is a very drought-tolerant and long-blooming tap-rooted perennial that grows in open, sunny areas from Wisconsin to British Columbia and south to Texas and California. It grows form ...
Prairie Aster, also known as Tahoka Daisy, is a winter annual and commonly found in the Great Plains and Southwestern regions of the U.S. Prairie Aster reseeds readily and will colonize disturbed ...
Basket-of-Gold is an old-fashioned perennial from Europe and adds sunny color to the garden in springtime. Plants grow in low mounds of 8-12 inches tall, and flowers are bright yellow with 4 ...
Bird’s Eyes is a California native annual that grows 12 to 18 inches tall. It does best in full sun with dry to moderate moisture. The white and purple flowers are fragrant and are attractive...
Blazing Star ia a California native annual. This plant grows in desert areas, on sunny rocky slopes below 2500 feet and in coastal sage scrub. Plants do best in full sun and dry conditions with ...
This California native annual has bright yellow flowers and grows in dry flats, brushy slopes, grasslands and chaparral. It grows best in full sun with dry soils. Height is from 5 to 10 inches. ...
Canadian Milkvetch is a legume that is native to Canada and most of the United States. The greenish, cream colored flowers appear in mid to late summer. Canadian Milkvetch is excellent for ...
Also known as Rainbow Pink, this Dianthus comes from China and produces single to semi-double flowers in shades of white, pink, red, salmon and burgundy. Great for beds & borders, the cottage ...
Columbine ‘McKana Giants Mix’ was an All America Selections winner in 1955. It is a hybrid with large flowers and long spurs. Flower colors include blue, pink, red, violet, white and ...
Blue Columbine is the state flower of Colorado. It is found throughout the Rocky Mountains, typically in aspen and spruce-fir communities, or subalpine meadows. it is also commonly referred to as ...
Creeping Daisy is a white annual flower from the Mediterranean region. Plants grow to just 12 inches tall. Suitable for low-growing flower mixtures and border edges. Attracts beneficial ...
Garland Daisy is also known as Crown Daisy and is from the Mediterranean region. Flowers are yellow or a mix of white and yellow. Suitable for flower mixtures and beds and borders.
Shasta Daisy ‘Alaska’ is an old-fashioned variety that is perfect for cut flowers and cottage gardens. The 3 inch wide flowers have white petals and a yellow center. Plants grow to 30 ...
Shasta Daisy ‘Silver Princess’ is a charming cultivar with 3 inch wide flowers that have white petals and a yellow center. Plants grow to just 16 inches tall. Excellent for the front of...
This compact and low-growing Dianthus variety has very large, single flowers with serrated petals. Colors include crimson, rose, red, white and bicolors. Flowers have a clove-jasmine scent and ...