Autumn Sneezeweed’s name is derived from an old usage of the plant – the ray flowers and leaves were dried and ground for use as snuff, which induces sneezing in people. It is native ...
Grey-Headed Coneflower is also known as Yellow Coneflower and is native the the central U.S. It grows in dry woods, prairies and roadsides. It gets its name from the grey, cone-shaped centers of ...
Cosmos is native to Mexico. This charming variety has white flowers with rose to crimson markings. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden. Prefers lean, well-draining ...
Cosmos is native to Mexico. This variety has white to pale pink flowers with a rosy blush in the center. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden. Prefers lean, ...
Cosmos is native to Mexico. This variety has flowers that are pure crimson with a yellow center. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden. Prefers lean, well-drained ...
Cosmos is native to Mexico. The flowers of this variety have pink petals and a rose colored eye. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden. Prefers lean, well-draining ...
This lovely, bi-colored variety has white flowers that are edged in rose to deep magenta. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden.
Cosmos is native to Mexico. This variety has medium pink flowers and grows to five feet tall. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden. Prefers lean, well-draining soils. ...
Cosmos is native to Mexico. This variety has pure, white flowers and grows to five feet tall. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden. Prefers lean, well-draining ...
The flowers of this variety have rose-colored petals and a crimson eye. It was the All America Selections winner in 1948. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden.
Rigid Goldenrod is also known as Stiff Goldenrod. This native perennial can be found in prairies, meadows and open woodlands throughout the Midwestern and east-central U.S. as well as south-central...
Green Tails Amaranth, or Tassel Flower, is a pendant amaranth with uniquely green drooping tassels. Fast to bloom, the tassels lengthen the entire season and last beautifully for cut flowers and ...
This cream colored native perennial is common throughout the tallgrass prairie and great plains. It is also know as Prairie Mimosa or False Sensitive Plant. Suitable for wildlife and pollinator ...
Love-Lies-Bleeding, which also goes by the name of Tassel Flower, is a pendant amaranth with dark red, drooping tassels that hang straight down. Flower stalks can be used as an everlasting in dried...
Swamp Milkweed is native to most areas of the central and eastern United States. It is also known as Rose Milkweed. Plants are typically found along streams and ditches or in moist areas of meadows...